Fair Trade Ethical

Fair Trade Sone Material Brand & Ethical Manufacturing

We take pride in our ethical manufacturing processes to ensure that any person interested in employment with our company that are wanting to leave our company can do so with his or her free will. Employment is Freely Chosen.

All employees have Freedom of Association and right to collective bargaining.

We ensure that working conditions are safe and hygienic for all employees including:

  • Tidiness of the premises, hygiene and regular cleaning of the factory and toilets.
  • Providing adequate workstations.
  • Having a plan for evacuation with clearly marked routes for exits in emergency.
  • All signs are posted in the local language for ease of reading.
  • Updated fire safety and emergency equipment is in place.
  • All building construction certificates are in place along with building layout per floor is clearly displayed on the premises.
  • All personal protective gear is provided to employees working in critical/potential higher risk areas.
  • Available First Aid Kits and trained personnel on board for each designated area to provide first aid.
  • Separate area for storage of hazardous materials.
  • Documented and proper channels for waste management.
  • Third party tested bottled drinking water for everyone.

Child labor Policy – we are extremely stringent about our Child Labor Policy. Under no circumstances are kids allowed in our premises. All employees valid documentation are checked before recruitment.

Living wages are paid – Our wages are all above minimum wage requirement for unskilled, semi-skilled and fully skilled personnel. We follow all wage related changes in the law.

Working hours are not excessive – Overtime is paid as per government regulations. Employees are not forced to work overtime. Employees do not work more than 2 hours of overtime per day or 12 hours of overtime per week.

No Discrimination is practiced—we do not practice any kind of discrimination whether it be racial, religious, sexual, age, position, caste or physical ability. We have a very strict policy against any kind of harassment to any employee.

No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed – We severely condone any sort of harassment or inhuman treatment to any person in the organization. Again, we have a very strict policy in place to deal with any sort of harassment or inhumane treatment.